Invasion: Michael Zwingmann at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Michael Zwingmann, Invasion


I stole a trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park to catch the huge David Nash show, and this work by Michael Zwingmann had a major impact on my day.

Made from cast asphalt, these monumental structures occupy a space which would have been the football pitch of the old school housed in the buildings now used by the sculpture park. The title brings to mind the frantic pitch invasions we have seen on the TV, but your eyes are jolted back into the stillness here. There is no crowd, and no trees, which is a contrast to much of the rest of the grounds. The material is incongruous to the setting. Manufacturing and construction are juxtaposed with nature. The scale of the forms echoes that of straw bales, yet nothing will be fed or insulated with this.

And then the more general features of the space make themselves known, as you listen beyond the quiet and the wind and birdsong, and you hear the background noise of the M1 motorway. So constant in our lives we barely notice it, and so invasive of this quiet green space. This work is dropped before us, an assault on our eyes and noses (you can still smell the tar) in accompaniment to the road noise.

The stillness with which they sit there is cold comfort against the frantic rushing of the cars.


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